
Showing posts from August, 2005


Does Stomp need any new cast members?

There's a whole lot of stuff going on in this post...

Stray cat strut

I'm still not afraid to wear a bathing suit...

Show me your puppies!

Uterus on Legs

Oh, and I also cried for no good reason 3 times yesterday...


Yellow Duckie *updated*

Just a little squirt into the coffee, mom... thanks.

Hanging by a thread

Hello darkness my old friend...

The Little Round Woman

Just when you thought you'd seen it all...

I don't get it... ***UPDATED


Everyone has had one of these…

The 60’s are long gone, kids.


Will I be the one you run to in the end… and all my dogs need a friend

Mattress Misdemeanors

The beginning of the sleep deprivation...