Racing for the Cure

If you didn't already get an email from me, I'm participating in the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure - in support of breast cancer research and awareness. The event that I'm participating in is May 11th (Mother's Day) in Pittsburgh. This is a special cause for me, because my boss, Amy, has struggled through breast cancer twice (not to mention Hodgkins disease and epilepsy), and last January underwent a double mastectomy. We watched as she went through chemo, lost her hair, lost her breasts, and had surgery after surgery. Through it all she never once acted like she felt sorry for herself - she kept busy and SURVIVED. I admire her for that in many ways. So this is an important event for me.

If you want to donate towards my goal, click here. If there’s a girl or woman in your life … and if she ever must battle cancer, I have to believe you both want to have the same hope and resources that Amy has had.


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