
There’s been a crapload of stuff going on this week. Firstly, I got sick on Monday and had to leave work. I had some kind of stomach virus. Mainly I just had an upset stomach and a headache. But it was enough to make me feel like a total piece of crap. I called off on Tuesday, knowing full well that my workload would only double, and it didn’t just double. It quadrupled. So needless to say, I’m a little behind in the bloggerverse. Sorry if I’m neglecting you. I don’t mean to!

This weekend promises to be just as busy, with a concert in Pittsburgh on Friday to benefit Hurricane Katrina survivors. It’s a bunch of Pittsburgh bands, like the Clarks, Rusted Root, Joe Grushecky, the Poverty Neck Hillbillies, and Donnie Iris. I’ve seen a few of those bands a couple of times, and being a closet fan of Rusted Root (E-Lo doesn’t like hippie music!!!), I’m pretty excited. Hopefully I’ll be feeling good tomorrow.

Saturday is the bridal shower of one of my oldest friends, and she happens to be having her shower at the same place that I’m having mine on Sunday, so we’ll be hanging out there for the evening and setting up. Then Sunday is my day to get presents. So far I’m less than excited about it. I can’t even think of where I’m going to put a bunch of baby stuff in my tiny house. The poor kid’s room is the size of a closet. Lucky for Fuzzball he/she is going to be small for a while, so proportionally, it fits.

But I guess it will be a relief to finally get all the stuff that I need, since I have a full wardrobe for the kid minus socks and shoes and one pack of diapers so far. I have a feeling a lot of returning is going to be happening. And looking at my registry, I haven’t gotten some of my most important items, like my travel system, which I need because it includes a car seat, and my breast pump (even though I have 2 on there, and one is $350… I highly doubt that I’ll be getting that one). Although I did get all three of my diaper bags. That makes a grand total of FOUR diaper bags that I have now. Who really needs FOUR diaper bags? I have a feeling that at least one will be on my return list, although I can’t decide which one I’d rather part with because they’re so pretty, and not baby like at all. And one is specifically for Ryan, so he doesn’t have to subject himself to carrying a girly looking purse on his outings with the baby.

You know what else is totally annoying? Just because I feel really bitchy? When people ask me “what do you want off your registry?” Uh, ALL OF IT. That’s why it’s on the list. Because I want it. Stupid. Now shut up and go buy me presents. If I was really mean I’d make them buy me my $350 breast pump.

Today’s bitchyness has been brought to you courtesy of sleeping on a terribly uncomfortable bed and getting up to pee 6 times in the middle of the night.

Have I mentioned that I’m SO OVER being pregnant? I can’t imagine how people subject themselves to this more than once. I really have to give myself time to forget if I ever want to have the 2 that I originally wanted. Cause right now I’m thinking Fuzzball will be an only child…

I will now attempt to visit some of you guys, then I really have to work.

Happy Autumnal Equinox! I heart fall… so why is the forecast for today feel like July at 83 degrees again?


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