Spring Cleaning

Well, March came in like a lion - dumping a fresh coat of roughly 5 inches of snow on us Friday night into Saturday. I ended up with Lyric's stomach virus on Thursday and left work early, I was barely able to drive the 26 miles to my house. It was fun, especially the dizzy spells that I got any time I stood up for too long. Thankfully my mom kept Lyric over night - there would have been no way I could have ran after her, and Ryan was sick too.

I was feeling more like myself Saturday and broke out the new rug scrubber that I bought after having Daisy poop in the guest room 107 times and pee in the corner of the living room 246 times. I scrubbed the office and the guest room Saturday, and then did the living room yesterday. It's amazing how much better about life having clean carpets makes me feel. Especially after seeing how disgusting the living room rug looked with no furniture in the room. Having animals and children makes things really dirty. I mean, really. The amount of hair that came out of the scrubber was ridiculous. Red sheds quite a bit, but we've only had him for what, a week? At any rate, my house is much cleaner, and I feel good about that. With any luck, this weekend the new ceiling fan will get installed in the kitchen and it will be a little brighter in there.

The spring cleaning festivities have carried over to my blog, as you can see with the new layout. I was so sick of pink that I was barfing cotton candy.

So - after the snow dumping Friday night, today is going to be 60 degrees! I think Mother Nature needs a Cymbalta.


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