The joys of raising a girl...

I’m ashamed. In my last post – the ones with all of Lyric’s words – I forgot the most important word.

The thing that she’s most obsessed about.

She’s a girly girl.


She’ll wake me in the middle of the night, calling for her shoes.

“SHOES! Shoooooooooes! Shoes! SHOES!!!!”

She loves shoes.

Probably more than any one and half year old.

We took her to the shoe store a few weekends ago because Ryan needed new shoes. It was like taking her to the circus, or McDonald’s playland. She was non-stop: “SHOES!!!” It was like she couldn’t believe that the world could contain so many shoes. In so many styles. And so many colors! Shoes! Everywhere you look! Big ones, little ones! Baby flip flops! Baby sneakers! Big girl shoes! Big boy shoes! Daddy’s shoes! Mommy’s shoes! SHOES!

It was exhausting to watch her tear through them. Because I just sat back and let her go. Those shoes were hers for the taking. Until we left – and she cried.

And I thought that I liked shoes. Yeah, it just doesn’t compare.

On a postive note, we'll have lots of fun shopping trips in the future.


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