Just half crazy

 On Friday I did something just plain NUTS and signed up for a half marathon. Holy shit, internet – what did I just do? Ok, so last year I started running. Pretty amazeballs considering I’ve never been athletic, and after being a smoker for too many years, I had no idea I could even attempt to run. But I did it – I completed the Couch to 5K program last fall and ran my first 5K on November 12 – just a few days after Fallon’s first birthday. It was such an awesome feeling of accomplishment – even if my time was pretty sucky – it was somewhere around 37 minutes. I’m not a fast runner by any means. Sometimes I feel like I could walk faster than I run. And then I just stopped. And I’d go for a random jog here and there – but nothing to keep myself in running shape.

I’m stupid.

So now it’s like I’m doing the couch to half-marathon training – luckily I have about 12 weeks to get my ass back into shape. I’m hoping this time will yield me some weight loss. When I was running before, I felt great – I didn’t really lose weight, but I wasn’t really watching my diet that well either. Now I’m kind of obsessive about what I eat, but I suck at staying consistent with my diet on the weekends – I go off the rails. I need to have a goal – and I remember last year when I first started running, I saw pictures from this half marathon and thought – I bet I could run that next year!

Yeah… about that…

I started training yesterday – Sundays are going to be my long runs/walks (cause I can’t run for an hour straight just yet). I have a gym at my new job, so treadmill access is a good thing on super hot days. This race is in October – yay for fall. I just have to stick to my schedule and keep going.

Is it weird that I haven’t told my husband yet? I’m afraid he’s going to laugh at me. Or scoff. I remember telling him I signed up for my 5K and he told me I’d never do it.  I SHOWED HIM. And I’ll do it again!


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