I'm not dead yet

So lately I've been thinking. I know, I know - what the fuck, E-Lo, you just come back here after a year or more and even more before that and start typing shit out like this is your own personal stream of consciousness. Oh wait, that's kind of what it's always been. Anyway, as I was saying - I was thinking about how much I loved writing here. I felt like I was good at it. I read some of my old posts today and I laughed. I was funny! Or maybe I just crack myself up. Either way, it's good to be good at something. Or be your own biggest fan.

So, blogger hasn't changed much, right? I've done a whole hell of a lot of web stuff over the past 15 or so years. I think I refreshed the look of this place in 2009. It might be time for an update. THAT should be easy peasy.

It's been almost 15 years since I posted about my boobs growing - that girl had no idea. There are times I'd like to go back in time and swat that fucking Snickers bar out of my hand. Not fat shaming, but damn girl, slow down. Pregnancy was my excuse to eat like shit. My body has never recovered. Back then, at 27, it seemed like I had all the time in the world, but little did I know how busy life with kids makes you. Hence this blog falling by the wayside for a gazillion years.

I recently (like three days ago) started journaling. Mainly like gratitude type shit. Like, hey, I'm fucking thankful, ok. Because I am. Life is good. Write it down. But this was my place to tell stories, and I want to get back into that.

So if you stumble across this post and used to read my blog, hold me accountable, ok? Writing isn't exactly something I do a lot of these days, and it's weird to think I was better at it 15 years ago. But practice makes... better. I'll never be perfect.

See yinz soon!


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